President’s Message, 2013

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To All the Supporters of Aschiana:

Thank you for your interest in the Aschiana Foundation USA. The Foundation began in 2004 with a commitment to help the working street children of Afghanistan with healthcare, food, and education. Since then, we and Afghanistan have changed significantly, but our commitment to giving Afghan street children a safe place to learn and grow remains strong.

Since 2004, thanks to contributions from around the world, Aschiana has opened centers in Kabul, Herat, and Mazar-e-Sharif, and served over 50,000 Afghan children at these centers and in camps for internally displaced persons. Contributions to the Aschiana Foundation USA enabled the completion of Aschiana’s main center in Kabul. By partnering with American Medical Overseas Relief, Aschiana’s center in Kabul hosts a medical clinic that serves students, their families, and the community. Thanks to another partnership with MediSend, a mobile biomedical repair service operates in cooperation with Aschiana and its profits help sustain clinic operations. Aschiana also maintains strong a relationship with Roshan, an Afghan communications firm. Roshan’s corporate social responsibility is an example of the incredible growth and development of the Afghan business community since the collapse of the Taliban government.

We are extraordinarily proud of Aschiana’s development over the past nine years. As Afghanistan prepares for major transitions in 2014, including a presidential election, we see the need for sustained, focused support on programs for children. Over the next year, we plan to support basic healthcare and education programs for Aschiana. Like Aschiana, we’ll look for more creative partnerships to leverage what international partners bring to bear. Finally, and most importantly, we will look to strengthen and expand the network of wonderful people working with Aschiana.

It is with much gratitude, we thank all our donors for helping to give something lasting to the children of Afghanistan – opportunity.

Best wishes,

— Mary Jo Myers and Alisa Stack, Presidents